Rethinking Heroes! | Cary Harrison
Rethinking Heroes with Cary Harrison
Ep. 12-23: A.I. It lies, it apologizes, It Writes Books & It Wants To Replace You.

Ep. 12-23: A.I. It lies, it apologizes, It Writes Books & It Wants To Replace You.

Public Radio's Cary Harrison does the deep dive


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Are Future Humans Doomed to Be Replaced by Artificial Intelligence?

 Artificial intelligence has largely replaced travel agents, tollbooth attendants and mapmakers, but will smart machines / AI someday replace attorneys, physicians, military strategies, and world leaders? What about composers, painters, and novelists? Are we doomed to obsolescence by tomorrow's ultra-powerful artificial intelligence?

With me is Dr. Robert J. Marks, a pioneer in computing intelligence, who says, "no way." In his new book, Non-Computable You: What You Do That Artificial Intelligence Never Will.  In it, Dr. Marks says …as impressive as AI is, it doesn't hold a candle to human intelligence... and it never will. How does Marks know this? The answer, he says, can be stated in one word: algorithm.

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Rethinking Heroes! | Cary Harrison
Rethinking Heroes with Cary Harrison
Featuring Hidden Heroes, Mystery History, Mythbusting, High Tech and Groundbreaking Discoveries, Futurists, Emerging Technology, and Usable Life-hacks!